Kula Project

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Colette's Story

Introducing: Colette

Colette is a new coffee farmer from Kayonza in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. After completing high school, Colette wasn’t able to continue her studies or find a job but soon got married and had two beautiful children. She excitedly joined the Kula Fellowship program in 2019.

Since then, Colette has improved her coffee farming business and learned how to set a household vision, follow a budget, and keep financial records. Throughout the Fellowship, as a group leader, her confidence and leadership skills greatly increased, with her mentors reporting improved public speaking and organizational capacity. Overall, she is one of the most spirited Fellows in this cohort.

After submitting a plan to launch a compost-making business in order to enhance her own coffee harvest and sell compost to other farmers as an additional business, she was awarded business investment through Kula’s Business Plan Competition. We’re so excited to follow her progress.